24 Jul 3 Wyoming Legislators to Attend Article V Convention Simulation: Ready to Rein in the Federal Government
America means freedom. Freedom of speech, the practice of religion and preservation of the rights of individuals.
Freedom cannot be separated from responsibility. Now is the time for all of us to have the moral courage to support the resolution for a Convention of States as provided in Article V so that citizens can discuss and suggest Constitutional amendments to help save our country.
On August 2-4, 2023, representatives from all 50 states will meet in Williamsburg, Virginia to craft, discuss, and vote on proposed amendments on three topics:
1. Term limits for Congress and federal bureaucrats
2. Lowering the federal debt/balancing the budget
3. Reducing the size and scope of the federal government
The state of Wyoming is sending two state senators, Bo Biteman (Sheridan County) and Dan Laursen (Park and Big Horn Counties) and one state representative, Daniel Singh (Laramie County) to this historic event, called an Article V Convention Simulation. The Simulated Convention will show the country that the Founders’ solution is ready to be deployed in order to rein in the out-of-control federal government.
Wyoming’s delegation chair is Dan Laursen, who has fought for this solution first in the Wyoming House, then in the Wyoming Senate. In 2017, he successfully got a resolution passed in the Wyoming legislature asking Congress to call a Convention of States specifically to discuss a Balanced Budget Amendment. “That was when the national debt was $20 trillion,” said Laursen. “Today our national debt is in excess of $33 trillion. Calling a Convention of States is our only hope to preserve America as we knew it for our children and grandchildren.
“The state legislatures need to take the reins back from a federal government that has overstepped its Constitutional duties. The Convention of States simulation in Williamsburg will give us the opportunity to discuss in specific committees what paths and proposed amendments might work best to make this happen. And, hopefully, the media will pick up on this peaceful, legal solution and fuel the effort to call an actual convention.”
Senator Bo Biteman believes that calling a Convention of States is the last, legal and Constitutional means to restore the balance of power between the states and the federal government. “A Convention of States to propose amendments is needed to undo over 100 years of damage bad court decisions have done to undermine the role of Congress, empower the un-elected and all-powerful administrative state, and grossly expand the federal government’s reach by misinterpreting the Interstate Commerce clause and Due Process clause to name a few,” says Biteman.
“We need to restore federalism, give Congress back the legislative powers they abdicated and keep them from being able to do it again. Congress cannot continue to delegate its lawmaking authority to agencies such as the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) and other government entities. We need to restore the separation of powers envisioned by the Founders in the Constitution, and not allow the activist courts to undo it.”
State representative, Daniel Singh, is a passionate supporter of Convention of States, believing the Founders wrote it into Article V of the Constitution to preserve power to the states and citizens. “Ultimately, the federal government exists to serve the states,” Singh said.
“Article V passed unanimously during the Constitutional Convention because the Founders knew changes would be necessary and states may have to exercise their right to rein in the federal government,” he continued. “I’m looking forward to the simulation to show Americans how the process works and to be able to connect with delegates from other states to strategize and discuss potential solutions to benefit the country.”
Delegates from across America are meeting in Williamsburg August 2-4. If you are interested in seeing how the process works, you will be able to view it online: COS Simulation 2023.
Employing a Convention of States is an important constitutional safety valve. The Founders knew it worked and might be necessary some day. That day has come.