07 Aug Article V Simulation Recap | Convention of States Simulation
A two-day Article V Simulation held in Williamsburg, Virginia culminated Friday with the passing of six proposed amendments to the Constitution. A delegation of three Wyoming legislators, including Sheridan County’s Senator Bo Biteman, took part in the simulated Convention of States that consisted of committee meetings on Day 1 and a general session with voting on Day 2.
The purpose was to demonstrate how an actual Convention of States would operate, as stated in Article V of the Constitution. Six proposed amendments passed:
1) Term Limits for Congress – 9 full terms for the House; 3 full terms for the Senate and no more than 24 years total
2) Set number of U.S. Supreme Court judges at nine; quorum at six
3) Balanced Budget – Parameters set holding Congress responsible
4) Redefining the Commerce Clause – Congress shall not delegate any rule making function related to commerce among the states to any executive official or agency
5) Countermand Proposal – The amendment would allow a simple majority of the states to rescind any action of Congress, the President, or administrative agencies
6) Returning property to states – The proposal seeks to forbid the federal government from owning, regulating, or controlling land or mineral rights except when granted permission by a state’s legislature.