Author: ASF Nation

Since when, as Americans, have we ever experienced a sense of helplessness? I can’t remember a time in our history when Americans did not tackle a problem head-on and work together toward a solution. We’ve done what it takes and come out on the other...

The fundamental American values of liberty, freedom, equality, and personal responsibility are not only the cornerstones of our nation's identity, but also the driving force behind countless community initiatives and organizations that work tirelessly to uphold and promote these principles in the ongoing pursuit of...

America's historical monuments are a testament to the values, struggles, and triumphs that have shaped our nation over the years. Each landmark tells a unique story, honoring heroes, commemorating events, and symbolizing the principles that make our country a beacon of hope and inspiration to...

A two-day Article V Simulation held in Williamsburg, Virginia culminated Friday with the passing of six proposed amendments to the Constitution. A delegation of three Wyoming legislators, including Sheridan County’s Senator Bo Biteman, took part in the simulated Convention of States that consisted of committee...

What was the most famous tea party in American history? The Boston Tea Party! On December 16, 1773, in Boston, Massachusetts, American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing "taxation without representation," dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company, into...