Author: ASF Nation

The Convention of States (COS) is a grassroots organization that is utilizing Article V of the Constitution to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. With over five million volunteers in all 50 states, COS proponents know that holding such a convention is the only legal,...

Sports have long been an integral part of the American experience. As passionate fans cheer on their teams, communities come together and unite in a shared love of the game, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. In this ASF Nation blog, we examine the indomitable...

American Stripes Forever borrows an image of the bald eagle to symbolize our commitment to American ideals. The American Bald Eagle is our national bird and a powerful symbol of freedom, strength, and resilience. Its image is prominently featured on national seals, flags, and currency,...

Patriotism is a powerful force that has been shown to play a crucial role in the progress and success of nations. It is the love and devotion that people have for their country, and it can inspire individuals to work toward the betterment of their...

Patriotism is an essential trait that every citizen should possess and it is our duty to pass that along and cultivate patriotic kids as well. It is the feeling of love, devotion, and dedication towards one's country. It is crucial to instill this value in...

Why is it time to come together for America? Our country was founded on the principles of open discussion and debate. When the issues were life, liberty and the potential sacrifice of all their worldly goods, patriots declared their willingness to make any sacrifice necessary...

Patriotism is a core value that all parents should strive to instill in their children. Patriotism is defined as "love and devotion to one's country," and it can be an essential part of a child's development. In this article, we will discuss the importance of...

When monuments are declared “national monuments” they have historic and cultural significance to the United States. Mount Rushmore is one of the most iconic and beloved national monuments in all of America. Depicting the heads of four presidents, four giants of our history, who helped...

The United States of America has always been known as a beacon of freedom, where individualism is celebrated and cherished. From its inception, the country has been founded on individualism and representative democracy, which has helped it become one of the world's most prosperous and...

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is one of the most cherished and celebrated amendments. It has stood the test of time and has been the backbone of many of the freedoms we enjoy today. However, there are a few things that everyone,...