Author: Helene Belisle

Last week, the Wyoming Senate passed a resolution to have Wyoming join the Convention of States. With that vote, the Senate affirms that Wyoming stands for freedom and is committed to the effort to help rein in the Feds. The federal government is out of control....

What can we do? What is the best hope for America? What can be done in the face of the ever-growing behemoth of the federal government, regulation and corporate overreach? Don’t give up. My generation has allowed the deterioration of freedoms we took for granted as...

Wisdom – we all have some, but very few speak truth and wisdom and have it resonate over time. Mark Twain (1835-1910) gave a speech in 1901 relevant to today’s debate splitting our country over vaccine mandates: “Whose property is my body? Probably mine. I so...

America was founded on the principles of freedom. These principles are set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. We have been watching passively as our freedoms are being infringed at every turn. Here in Wyoming, we thought we were safe from...

Freedom is America. The Founding Fathers knew it. Those who arrived in Jamestown and on Plymouth Rock sought it. And tens of millions of immigrants from every corner of the world came and still come to our shores seeking it. Our ancestors knew that, in America,...