Freedom Is America | American Stripes Forever

Freedom Is America | American Stripes Forever

Freedom is America. The Founding Fathers knew it. Those who arrived in Jamestown and on Plymouth Rock sought it. And tens of millions of immigrants from every corner of the world came and still come to our shores seeking it.

Our ancestors knew that, in America, lay the freedom to make your own way without the government or its monarch restricting your ability and responsibility to do so. And, out of that freedom, was born a nation of independent individuals where it didn’t matter what class or circumstances you were born into – your right to freedom was unalienable.

As founders of ASF Nation, we are about as typical Americans as you can get. My husband’s ancestors on his mother’s side came to America from England on the Mayflower; while on his father’s side, his relatives traveled from France through Nova Scotia, Canada, settling first in the Carolinas, then on to New Mexico, and finally settling in Southern California. His DNA shows a lot of Scandinavian blood, as well as a paternal grandmother of Irish descent. A truly mixed bag of American genes.

My ancestors arrived on these shores much more recently. Both sets of my grandparents emigrated from the Russian-Polish border area, now known as Belarus, in the early 1920s. At the time they thought the Bolsheviks were going to save them from the tyranny and pogroms of the Tsar; however, they proved just as oppressive. So, shedding the yolk of anti-Semitism in Russia, they took the arduous journey to Ellis Island in New York Harbor with nothing more than the clothes on their back and greeted only by the Statue of Liberty.

Statue of Liberty | ASF Nation

This strange mix of genes blended and secured with a love of our country, produced three amazing young adults, working their own businesses and on the front lines of health care. We lived the American dream, marrying the late 1970’s, settling in Southern California with only a pick up truck, our clothes, wedding gifts, and a Siberian husky. We were able to make a life for ourself, something that often seems impossible today.

Where is America’s freedom now?

American Stripes Forever – the ASF Nation – stands for the preservation of freedom, liberty and equality in America to be the legacy for our kids and all future generations.

We’ve seen the erosion of this freedom over several decades with the steady encroachment of government into our lives and our businesses. Who could ever imagine our country shutting down as we have through this current pandemic?

The peaceful protestations of people and business owners to reopen our country gives us hope that the desire for freedom in Americans has not died, but has only been suppressed. In the decades since the Great Depression, people have been giving their power and freedom to the government in exchange for security and financial handouts.

Ben Franklin famously said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety.”

We should heed these wise words. Instead, we have been giving up our freedom, resulting in our obeying orders today that are unconstitutional.

Our mayors and governors are not monarchs; their edicts are not law. Legislators who are voted into office by you, the people, create laws. We respect law and the enforcement of duly passed laws. Executive orders from mayors and governors are not duly passed laws. In fact, executive orders bypass the system of government “by the people and for the people” our U.S. Constitution guarantees.

We will explore the U.S. Constitution and its specific applicability and relevance to our world today. We are committed to our country and believe in our fellow citizens’ intelligence and desire for freedom, passed down from ancestors, recent and past.

You have our promise to stay true to freedom, offering suggestions and supporting grassroots efforts – all based on law, the U.S. Constitution. At ASF Nation we make every effort at vetting our sources and our authors.

Thank you for reading in the weeks and months and years ahead. If you believe, as we do, in the will of the American people, we hope you join us in our efforts to preserve what our ancestors started – a country based in freedom!

Written by Mama Bear

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Helene Belisle

As one of the founder of ASF Nation, Helene and her family are about as typical Americans as you can get, a truly mixed bag of American genes. Our families date back to the Mayflower landing and to escaping eastern Europe in the 1920s. Over the last several decades we've seen the erosion of our freedom with the steady encroachment of government into our lives and our businesses. ASF Nation – American Stripes Forever – is our response and it stands for the preservation of freedom, liberty and equality in America. We hope to continue on the American tradition and leave a legacy for our kids and all future generations.