23 Jun It’s Time To Come Together for America
Why is it time to come together for America? Our country was founded on the principles of open discussion and debate. When the issues were life, liberty and the potential sacrifice of all their worldly goods, patriots declared their willingness to make any sacrifice necessary and debate their differences to ultimately create a new, free country.
We benefited from their sacrifice and that of all the patriots since who shed their blood to preserve that vision of liberty. Until now. Now we stand divided – more divided than we’ve ever been since the Civil War.
There is a peaceful, legal path back to working together and finding solutions to some of the problems we face in our country. Just prior to the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, George Mason of Virginia foresaw the federal government one day becoming so large and intrusive to freedom that we needed a path – in the Constitution – to restore power to the people to effect change. That path is described in Article V, the article that describes the two methods of amending the Constitution: via Congress or by calling a Convention of States.
Two-thirds, or 34 states, must agree on the topics (application) to successfully call a Convention of States. If convened, all states will be invited to participate. Then, in order to be ratified and become part of the Constitution, three-fourths, or 38 states, must approve any amendments resulting from a Convention of States.
States Come Together For America
Currently, 19 states have approved applications and the non-partisan issues affect all Americans:
- Term Limits for Congress and federal officials
- Fiscal restraint
- Reining in federal overreach
These are not issues that divide us; we are united in our concern. The McLaughlin and Associates independent poll taken in March 2021 indicated that 80% of all Americans favor term limits for Congress.
We can do this together. The issue is not political; it is the very future of our country. Let’s not leave future generations a bankrupt, totalitarian country run by bureaucrats. We have the peaceful, Constitutional means to meet and find solutions. It won’t be easy, but it wasn’t easy in 1776.
The Wyoming Senate passed the Convention of States application in the 2023 legislative session. Please contact your state representative asking them to support calling a Convention of States.