Memorial Day – A Day to Remember and Revere Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price

Memorial Day - A Day To Remember and Revere Those Who Paid The Ultimate Price

Memorial Day – A Day to Remember and Revere Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price

Memorial Day – a day to remember and revere those who paid the ultimate price to preserve America’s freedom and fight against tyranny. We pray for their families and thank them. But is it enough? Isn’t it our duty to understand and put their sacrifice in the context of history?

Do your children and grandchildren even know why we have this “holiday?” Each of the following individuals who served and died in the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard had families, wives, husbands, mothers and fathers, children and grandparents. 

Those who paid for our freedom with their lives:

Revolutionary War 6,800 in battle; 17,000 from disease

War of 1812 2,260 in battle; 15,000 from disease

Mexican-American War – 1,733 in battle; 11,550 from disease

Civil War 650,000 battle deaths

Spanish-American War 385 battle deaths

World War I 53,402 in battle; 63,114 other causes

World War II 407,316 in battle; 671,278 wounded

Korean War 54,260

Vietnam War 58,220

Gulf War 383

Iran and Afghanistan 8,498

These individuals should be honored. The debt we owe to them and their families can only be repaid by never forgetting and actively doing our part to preserve the freedom they died to protect. 

Are you doing your part? Do not let those who would preempt your freedom sully the names of those we honor on Memorial Day. Speak up, work in your communities, write a letter, get involved. This is our pledge to those who died for us.

Honor The Fallen on Memorial Day

ASF Nation
ASF Nation

The ASF in ASF Nation stands for American Stripes Forever. Our mission is to use our platform to stand up for the American values of liberty, freedom, equality and personal responsibility. All men are created equal endowed with our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.