Convention of States Tag

Since when, as Americans, have we ever experienced a sense of helplessness? I can’t remember a time in our history when Americans did not tackle a problem head-on and work together toward a solution. We’ve done what it takes and come out on the other...

A two-day Article V Simulation held in Williamsburg, Virginia culminated Friday with the passing of six proposed amendments to the Constitution. A delegation of three Wyoming legislators, including Sheridan County’s Senator Bo Biteman, took part in the simulated Convention of States that consisted of committee...

The Convention of States (COS) is a grassroots organization that is utilizing Article V of the Constitution to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. With over five million volunteers in all 50 states, COS proponents know that holding such a convention is the only legal,...

Why is it time to come together for America? Our country was founded on the principles of open discussion and debate. When the issues were life, liberty and the potential sacrifice of all their worldly goods, patriots declared their willingness to make any sacrifice necessary...

Last week, the Wyoming Senate passed a resolution to have Wyoming join the Convention of States. With that vote, the Senate affirms that Wyoming stands for freedom and is committed to the effort to help rein in the Feds. The federal government is out of control....

What can we do? What is the best hope for America? What can be done in the face of the ever-growing behemoth of the federal government, regulation and corporate overreach? Don’t give up. My generation has allowed the deterioration of freedoms we took for granted as...