The Best Hope for America

The Best Hope For America | ASF Nation

The Best Hope for America

What can we do? What is the best hope for America? What can be done in the face of the ever-growing behemoth of the federal government, regulation and corporate overreach? Don’t give up.

My generation has allowed the deterioration of freedoms we took for granted as kids. We’ve allowed movement away from freedom into the abyss of collusion among Big Government, Big Pharma, and the Military-Industrial complex. This unholy alliance has usurped our freedoms and rendered much of our population into feeling powerless to effect changes.

We’ve tried for decades to elect fellow citizens who promised to reduce government size and reach into our lives; sadly, we’ve been unsuccessful. The established bureaucracy and “lifers” in Congress will never make the move toward reducing government, limiting their time there or spending within our means.

The Best Hope For America

Thankfully, the framers of the Constitution had the foresight to include a provision in Article V to return the power to We the People. Article V provides for people at the state level to call a Convention of States to consider potential amendments to the Constitution, bypassing the Legislative and the Executive Branches of the federal government.

Two-thirds of our states (34) must submit applications through their state legislatures to have such a convention called. Then, whatever amendments emerge from that convention return to the individual states for their ratification or rejection. Three-fourths of all states (38) must ratify an amendment for it to become part of the Constitution.

This project called, “Convention of States,” was begun in 2013 and is a grassroots effort for Americans to take back their government. Amendments can take the decision making process regarding your family, your child’s schooling, your property away from disconnected politicians and bureaucrats in DC and put it back in your hands.

To date, nineteen states have passed the Convention of States application. Six states have passed the application in at least one chamber of their legislature and 15 other states have active legislation pending. If the applications were passed in all the pending legislatures nationwide, a Convention of States would be called.

It’s up to us to take up this opportunity given to us by the framers. They knew that one day the federal government would overstep its bounds. Let us use the legal, peaceful and constitutional provision in Article V of the Constitution to limit the federal government in terms of spending, term limits and the powers and jurisdiction that encroach upon states and the lives of our citizens.

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Helene Belisle

As one of the founder of ASF Nation, Helene and her family are about as typical Americans as you can get, a truly mixed bag of American genes. Our families date back to the Mayflower landing and to escaping eastern Europe in the 1920s. Over the last several decades we've seen the erosion of our freedom with the steady encroachment of government into our lives and our businesses. ASF Nation – American Stripes Forever – is our response and it stands for the preservation of freedom, liberty and equality in America. We hope to continue on the American tradition and leave a legacy for our kids and all future generations.