The Time is Now for a Convention of States

The Time Is Now For A Convention of States | Rick Santorum speaks in Iowa

The Time is Now for a Convention of States

Since when, as Americans, have we ever experienced a sense of helplessness? I can’t remember a time in our history when Americans did not tackle a problem head-on and work together toward a solution. We’ve done what it takes and come out on the other side.

We may be feeling powerless to do what it takes to reduce the role of government both in our daily lives and overall. However, the Founders gave us the means to wrest the power away from the federal bureaucracy and place it back in our hands. Article V allows for a Convention of States to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Founders knew it was necessary; it’s up to us to make use of their tool to empower the people.

In the speech linked below, Rick Santorum spells out the history of and the urgent reasons for calling an Article V Convention. We think you’ll agree with him that this is the time to work together to save us from the divisiveness and overreach that is bankrupting the country we are leaving for our kids and grandchildren.

ASF Nation
ASF Nation

The ASF in ASF Nation stands for American Stripes Forever. Our mission is to use our platform to stand up for the American values of liberty, freedom, equality and personal responsibility. All men are created equal endowed with our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.