What John Locke Meant With His Famous Words – Pursuit of Happiness

What John Locke Meant With His Famous Words – Pursuit of Happiness

What John Locke Meant With His Famous Words – Pursuit of Happiness

The founders were well grounded in classic (Greek and Roman) philosophy, as well as the more contemporary philosophers of their time, like John Locke. So, when creating the United States, they drew upon the successes and failures of historical government systems and various political philosophies that guaranteed the individual rights of its citizens.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence, 1776

John Locke was an English philosopher credited with helping shape the French and American revolutions. He wrote An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, which featured the phrase pursuit of happiness. This was used by Thomas Jefferson when writing the Declaration of Independence as one of the three inalienable rights of all men, along with life and liberty.

A Greek Influence in the Pursuit

John Locke was influenced by the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Epicurus when creating his concept of happiness. He believes true happiness is not the same as pleasure, wealth, or the satisfaction of desires. His phrase pursuit of happiness refers to striving to achieve real happiness, not just seeking out momentary pleasures (fun) or material possessions.

John Locke – The Pursuit of Happiness Is an Individual Right

John Locke’s political views are based on the idea that each person has the right to pursue happiness as a law of nature. To do this, individuals must enjoy liberty and freedom to choose their own path to happiness without the government prescribing any particular path. Locke believed that trying to impose happiness on people usually leads to unhappy outcomes.

Think about the intrusion of government into the lives of individuals and businesses today – we think John Locke was right on the money. Do you?

ASF Nation is a patriotism blog that stands for American values of liberty, freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Based on American Stripes Forever, we believe that all men are created equal and endowed with the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Read more about American liberty on our blog or follow us on Instagram!

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ASF Nation

The ASF in ASF Nation stands for American Stripes Forever. Our mission is to use our platform to stand up for the American values of liberty, freedom, equality and personal responsibility. All men are created equal endowed with our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.